O Reviji – On Review

„Revija za evropsko pravo“ je periodični specijalizovani časopis Udruženja za evropsko pravo posvećen teorijskim pitanjima prava EU i pravu evropskih integracija. Do 2019. godine je izlazio dva puta godišnje,  u sveskama broj 1 i dvobroju  2-3. Od 2019. godine izlazi jednom godišnje.

Prvi broj Revije za evropsko pravo je štampan 1999. godine.

Radovi se objavljuju na srpskom jeziku ili na jednom od stranih jezika. Svi radovi podležu anonimnoj recenziji.

Pristup svim radovima u Reviji je slobodan.

Izdavač Revije je
Udruženje za evropsko pravo
34000 Kragujevac

Revija se nalazi na HEINonline bazi i CEEOL bazi.



The Review of European Law is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing both theoretical and applied works on a wide range of topics in the European law, especially of EU Law and other related areas. The Review was founded in 1999, as the first specialised journal in South East Europe for theoretical questions of community law and as periodical journal of the Association for European Union Law of Serbia (AEL). The Association for European Law of Serbia was founded 1999 as the Yugoslav Association of experts for community law. More information about the work and activities of the Association can be found at: www.pravoeu.org

Contributions from domestic authors are published in Serbian language, while papers from the foreign authors are published both in Serbian and in foreign languages  mainly in English and German. Abstracts in the journal are always published in English language regardless of what is original language of the paper.

The Review has domestic and international Editorial Board, consisting of prominent professors of EU Law and International Law from major European universities. Domestic and international authors provide a valuable contribution to the analysis of current issues and trends in national law, especially in light of the harmonization of the national legal system with the EU system.

Journal is indexed in HeinOnline Law Journal Library and in CEEOL.